Thursday, June 24, 2010

Propaganda of WWII in America

Propaganda was used by the American government throughout World War II in order to persuade people on the home front to get involved with the war in Europe and Asia. One example of this is the picture to the left. Literally, a Nazi soldiers foot is stomping on a church that is found here in America. The enemies boot in this picture is a symbol of the Nazi's as a whole, and them taking over America. The crushed church is a symbol of loss religious freedom. Altogether, this poster is trying to tell its viewers that if Germany takes over, freedoms will be lost, especially religious freedom. The audience of the propaganda poster is geared more towards people of strong faith in America. It is intended to get these faithful people into uniform and "fight to prevent this". "This" meaning the freedom that America is blessed with. The poster is a legitimate statement and very persuasive, just like many other posters in America during WWII. Propaganda was a successful tactic by the government and the home front found good reasons to stay strong and fight the war.

1 comment:

  1. Man, they should have been more worried about the red menace if this was a real concern. It's like after the holodomor everyone forgot about the 30 million+ Christians the Bolsheviks slaughtered, with their priests and then destroyed every church.
